
HFS is

a deliberately small, independent consultancy providing insight and foresight research to power the best strategic and design thinking.

What we do

We help leading brands and organizations understand people, culture, and change.

Together with our partners we empower human potential and the organizational capacity to proactively shape and prepare for the future.

Insight x Foresight

We work at the cutting edge of commercial and applied research combining anthropology, foresight strategy, behavioural economics, and design research.

We developed the human futures approach, radical human-centricity, and many other advanced research methods to help you understand the world outside your doors and engage with your customers better, now and into the future.

Been around the block

For 15+ years our team has led strategic growth and innovation programs for world leading companies, government departments, and other institutions.

We are a senior team of researchers and strategists who have collectively made an impact on how business is done and how design and strategy come to life.

Who we work with

We work for companies of all kinds and sizes, from large multinational corporations on the Fortune 50/500 lists, to small start-ups and agencies. We work for innovation teams, strategy teams, marketing departments, C-Suites, boards, governments, NGOs, and anyone who wants to know more about the world of their customers and the world to come. 


 We have deep experience across a number of areas, including, but not limited to, pharma, financial services, consumer technology, automotive, food and beverage, CPG, retail, entertainment, cultural organizations, publishing, and education. 

We work at all levels of an organization

Our services are tailored to address the unique challenges found at different levels of the business, from visionary to operational mandates.

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Strategic Growth + Transformation

Anticipate future markets & operating environments

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Insight + Foresight for Innovation

Define opportunity spaces, solutions & requirements

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Applied Learning + Development

Train, embed, or augment new skills and competencies

Our work fosters


in your ability to understand the forces driving change and their impact on people, markets, and organizations.


around a shared vision, and purpose; the roles and responsibilities inherent in shaping and preparing for the future, together.


to the choices, actions, and investments required to grow and sustain relevance over time.

The Leadership Team